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Tokki Application

Project Advisor

A. Watsayut Kongchan

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Tokki Application

Thailand has been giving significant admiration towards the entertainment industry, especially concerts and events of musical performances. While the number of concert performances has

been increasing rapidly within the past few years, the value and space for its consumers to communicate their expressions towards the concert experience has yet to be fulfilled and satisfied.


Tokki has been created to help all concert lovers to enhance their concert experiences in both short-term and long-term, from the very first step of pre-purchasing to the post concert phase up until being a daily companion to everyday’s adventure. With Tokki, people with the same passion will be brought together to communicate insights and receive rightful information about concert experiences and builded up a strong community in the future.


A communication platform with key features that tackles all the problems that concert lovers were facing throughout the concert experience. Tokki’s main features include Home, Con-lendar & News, Community and Review, Notification, and Profile, along with various additional features such as Carrot Credit Score, Melody

currency, Avatar, Home screen Widget and Lockscreen Notification.


All in all, the application aims to not only engage people with similar interests together as a community, but also empower concert lovers and their passion by enriching their experience with concerts throughout the process from the pre-purchase until the aftermath within one application. By this, the long-term positive impacts to

society is believed to be achieved. Since concerts will continue to be an inspirational entertainment in our cultures even in the future, Tokki application would be one of the important platforms that gather public’s opinion and strengthen the bargaining power for concert consumers in the future.


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Janisra Wongpaiboon


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Napatra Punnachaiya


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Thanin Kunadirekwong


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Miriam Tantrakul



© 2021 by BCM Chula


All original videos, songs, images, and graphics used on this site, in part or in whole, belong to their respective owners and the Faculty of Communication Arts claims no right over them.


Under section 32 of the Copyright Act B.E. 2537 (1994), allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, education and research.

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